MISSING: reference problem -re-post


Tony Strazzeri

Repost to more groups.

I would really love any comments or perspective on this problem as it
is driving me crazy. I have 'cleaned' the template using Payne
Consulting Group's VBA code cleaner and also created a completely new
template project to which I individually inserted the modules etc.

below: original post (with some clarifications)
Hi All,

Its been a while since I was active on this group. I am getting back
into the swing of things.

It has been a while since the last time I did any long term work in
Word VBA. In that time my client has upgraded from Office XP to Office

I am getting a really annoying missing reference error. I have not
been able to find any significant info on the problem so I am posting
the question.

Many of my templates have references set to other templates loaded as
Addins (from VBA IDE Tools| Reference).

I am often getting an error indicating that the referenced Addin is
missing. The addin and location/structure of the templates and Addins
has not changed since Office 2000.

I clear the error reference close the dialog box and then re-select
Tools|Reference and try to add the reference bly clicking on the Browse
button I get 'Can't add reference to the specified file' error.

========Clarification ========
Note: I am still able to add reference to other addins this same way
but not with this particuar addin template .

The only way I can clear the error is by opening the referenced
template (in the same session). This makes the project name visible in
Tools|reference and allows me to select the reference and save the
document. This works SOME of the time but not always.

========Clarification ========
However after I close the addin template and the work template and
reopen the work template the error returns.

I can describe in more details the steps I take but for now I am just
wondering if this or anything like it has been reported for in Word

Regards to all,


Word Heretic

G'day "Tony Strazzeri" <[email protected]>,


How many add-ins are you trying to load at once? I hope less than 10?
Word only loads so many and then stops. Real PITA for the developer /
user I know, so that is why a seriously structured development
environment is necessary.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

Tony Strazzeri reckoned:

Tony Strazzeri

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the response.
Two addins are loaded through the startup folder. The addin in question
is explicitly referenced by templates and is only loaded when the
referencing template is launched.

I have another addin for a different set of templates that is loaded in
the same way (only one or the other not both) it continues to work OK.

If I move the template to another folder and reference it from the new
location I can reference it using the Browse button, AND the reference
remains and works when I close and reopen the referencing template.

It is almost as if there is something wrong with the path. The path is
and has always been 37 characters long (including trailing \). The
template name is and has always been 16 characters.

Curiously everything seems to be working fine on user's machines.
Templates updated since I started having this problem have been
deployed to users and continue to work without any problems.

It just seems to be a problem on my PC.


Word Heretic

G'day "Tony Strazzeri" <[email protected]>,

Hmmm. And these routines are developed on your machine? I am wondering
if there's an old dev copy in your profile dir, or in the install prog
file dir.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

Tony Strazzeri reckoned:


Hi Steve,

Thanks for the reply. Judging by the number of posts I was beginning to
think every one on this NG had gone away on early holidays.

I was going to respond with the information below. In cases like this
I usually go back and try as many of the steps as I can tolerate
repeating one more time before posting a response/followup. I usually
write the reply from memory and then go back through the steps and
check that I have actually done what I write.

My response to you was going to be as quoted (below).
"As to my problem - No such luck. There are no other copies other than
backups/saved copies in known locations.

The template is four years old and originally created in Word 2K.
Since that time I have had two different machines. The current one is
a laptop which has been upgradedseveral times first from Windows 2000
to Windows XP then Office 2000 to XP (2003) and subsequently re-imaged
a couple of times to bring it back to Standard Desktop Environment.

I have also 'cleaned' the template using the VBA Code Cleaner. That
is the template has been 'cleaned' both before and since discovering
the problem. I have also re-created the template by exporting all of
the modules etc. "

In checking my response I decided to recreate the template again and
import the code into a new template. As I was testing and going
through my steps I noticed that I had another addin in the startup
folder. This was the Dataviz (documents to go) DVZWDAddin.dot. I
didn't recall noticing that before although I have had Documents to go
for a while. Ahh You bastard I thought!. So I removed it hoping that
the problem was this simple. I am glad to say it wasn't <g>.

After removing that addin I then noticed something else. Whenever I
opened the workfile based on the template that had the reference to my
addin I would get a blank messagebox popping up. I was opening the
file from the MRU list. This has not happened before but I can't be
sure I had repeated that sequence of events. You know, that file
attached to that template from that spot etc. (I can get paranoid - or
is that anal retentive?) in cases lke this. I could not work out
where this message was coming from. I still haven't!

But anyway, to cut a Long story short, I discovered a reference in my
normal.dot to a richtext control (tom - Riched20.dll) that I have been
playing with of and on for some time. Taking this out of normal.dot
seems to have done the trick.

I hope <g>.

I will believe it when I look again after I wake up and find it still
working <vbg>.

I must be dreaming because I am sitting here writing this in my
nightshirt having been woken up by a phone call from my wife (who is at
work) asking me to look at something in an email. pinch, Ouch!

Cheers and happy Christmas,



OK!, It was a dream. How do I know this?
Because yesterday (first time back on that project in about a week) it
was not working.

Apologies for the long post, but I may as well document my actions here
for me as well as for anyone else interested in dropping their two
dinar worth.

I don't know why it is back but I am once again getting the blank
messagebox when I open the document from the MRU.

I am getting the "MISSING: reference".

I can't add the reference by browsing to it, only by opening the addin
file. If the addin file is open the reference displays correctly -No
"MISSING: reference" message.

I have deleted my Normal.dot with no improvement.

I have 'cleaned' the addin and the template projects.

Observations (in no particular order)
When I create a new document;
(by doubleclick on the template from explorer) based on the
template which has the reference to the addin (I will refer to these
with those names), The document is created but I cannot save it. I
have tried making a small change and run the save and SaveAs commands
directly from Tools|Macro|Macros|Word commands, as well as by closing
the doc and waiting for the prompt. The document will not save. Also
the new document DOES NOT SHOW UP AS A PROJECT in the VBA IDE.

When I create a copy of the addin (in windows explorer);
I can change the reference in the template to the new addin name
(but same project name) using browse in Tools|References, the reference
works and the template behaves as expected.

If I rename this new addin back to the original name the reference is
broken and it won't let me Browse/Add the reference unless the addin is
also opened. But then of course I am back to square one with the
reference breaking as soon as I close the template or document and open
it again without the addin first being opened.

I have checked the drive and cannot find the addin anywhere out of
order. I have lots of saved copies as you would expect during this
debug but none where they should be.

Stay tuned to this station for further exciting (NOT) updates <g>.

Word Heretic

G'day (e-mail address removed),

sounds awfully like a document_open or document_new event isn't being
processed properly. Anyway, I always rebuild the template from scratch
to get rid of spurious references. Rename normal and restart Word.
Create a new template based on normal. Use the organiser to drag stuff
across, recreate what is left over, should be ok.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

(e-mail address removed) reckoned:

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