Missing Row/Column headers


Jim MacConnell

I wanted to do some work rearranging a number of workbooks
from Excel 98. they open fine except the Row and Column
headers are empty. I can select fine, I just can't see if
I'm in column T or AA, or if I'm in row 15 or 256, etc.
Sure Excel tells me where i am but that isn't particulary

If I open a new Workbook and copy/move a worksheet into it,
things are fine.

If I "Copy" a worksheet to a new Woorbook directly from the
sheet tab, I don't see the headers.

Any ideas?

Version 10.1.5 on 700MHz eMac 384Meg and OS 10.2.5

Bernard Rey

Have a llok in the "Preferences..." There's a checkbox to display the rows
and columns headers. You'll have to check it for each concerned workbook. Do
you have many of them?

Jim MacConnell

Bernard Rey said:
Have a llok in the "Preferences..." There's a checkbox to display the rows
and columns headers. You'll have to check it for each concerned workbook. Do
you have many of them?

Thanks but....
I guess I should have been clearer in my original question. The
"boxes" for the row and column headers are there.. and they appear and
disappear as expected when I change preferences. My problem is that
they are empty... That is to say, the actual row/column designators
are invisible...(the AA and the 145 that make up the AA145 address).

I don't know if the font has changed color so it's invisible, or if
the size is zero (both from other problems I look at during my search
for a solution) or if there is something about the way I have many
merged cells (another issue?) but the result is the same. Back on my
Beige G3 (Old and slow) running Excel 98 in OS 9.2 everything is fine.
transfer the spreadsheet to the new machine running Excel 10.1.5... no

Thanks for trying anyway.


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