Missing Scrollbars in PivotTable



I am going round and round trying to figure out how to get the scroll bars to
appear in my PivotTable. I placed the PivotTable in a Panel and set the
PivotTables AutoFit to false and reduced the max height and width smaller
than the original size of the Panel. When I display my data, the scroll bars
are not present and I cannont view 75% of my data. I am using OWC11 in
Visual Studio .NET 2003. Anyone have any ideas what is going on?



I think I figured it out. After I read in an XML file and insert my fields
in the RowAxis, ColumnAxis, and DataAxis, I then reset the MaxWidth and
MaxHeight. But what I really want is for the PivotTable to fill the entire
panel and then when the form is resized, the scroll bars should appear and
disappear as needed. I came up with a solution for this also but I think it
should be unnecessary. I set the PivotTable's dock property to fill and set
the panel's anchor to top, left, right, and bottom. I then added an event
handler for the resize event on the form. In the event handler, I change the
MaxWidth and MaxHeight of the PivotTable to the width and height of the
panel. This works.

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