Missing simple feature in Pub2000...


Lucky Luke


Probably that some of you encoutered the same thing as me few years
At that time, when I migrated from Publisher 2.0, (Yes,the Win3.11
one...!!!), I was deceived that one feature that existed in this old
version was omitted the Pub 2000.
Do you remember this window when inserting picture in Pub 2.0?


It simply meant that one had the choice to distort or not, the aspect
ratio of picture for a particular frame in your document design.
Since this feature is not included in PUB2000, user has to perfect fit
the picture on the frame on both sides manually, because PUB2000 does
not give you the choice of changing the image. Sad.
And when you have to create a document using 50 or 100 pictures, there
is a big time loss.

Anybody have a trick to change something, anything that could bring
this old feature back?


| Attachment filename: snap1.jpg |
|Download attachment: http://www.forum4designers.com/attachment.php?postid=787286 |

Mary Sauer

Publisher 95 still had the feature. Publisher 97 did not. Hey you can use 2.0 on your

Lucky Luke


Pub 2.0 IS installed on my computer, aside PUB2000.
But it has its own limitations, even if I have 1 GB of mem, as can be
seen in the picture below. Limited accessibility to mem system.
But I use 2000 most of the time even if it does not included this
feature because it is more competent in overall.

| Attachment filename: snap2.jpg |
|Download attachment: http://www.forum4designers.com/attachment.php?postid=790209 |

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