Missing SKU111.CAB; but what if there ARE no CDs?

  • Thread starter Phillip Earthlink net>
  • Start date

Phillip Earthlink net>

I am attempting to install the latest updates for Office 2003 (Update for
Office 2003 KB885828 and Junk Email Filter for February KB891067). Like many
other people on this forum and elsewhere, I can't get past the supposedly
missing file SKU111.CAB. All the discussions I can find say basically to use
the correct installation CD. Easier said than done.

I legally purchased Office 2003 Professional from Microsoft by download, so
I do not HAVE an installation CD for this product (and my original Office
2000 CD obviously doesn't apply). In the past I have installed the Office
2003 Professional Service Pack 1 and the Junk Email Filter update for January
and did not have any such problems. What next?



You should inquire or call Microsoft PSS to see if you are entitled to a
source CD in case of updates, damages to your installation, etc.
With regard to the SKU11.CAB issue all solutions I have seen point to going
back to the original installation soucre so please try and obtain it through

Gustavo Muñoz
Software Test Engineer

Legal Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
confers no rights.

Phillip Earthlink net>

For the information of anyone else in this situation...
From the beginning I had suspected a problem on Microsoft's side that might
eventually get fixed, so today (10 days after the original post) I attempted
to install the updates again. AND IT WORKED! No request for the CD, no
error message, it just worked. I have no idea if some abnormal condition on
my machine was reset by some action (e.g., clearing browser cache) or if
Microsoft quietly changed something, but it worked without error. The
technical term for this is "magic". I consider the matter closed.

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