Seth Gordon
Hello, I use Outlook 2007 (running Vista) for a good part of the day and it
wasn't until recently I realized that sounds.exe (downloaded from MS site)
wasn't always working. For instance I would click on the send/receive button
and the sound would play. I would click it again and nothing... It's not
that it's a big deal but now that I notice it, it's driving me nuts
tried reinstalling sounds.exe (a couple times), I tried reinstalling my
soundcard drivers (SoundBlater X-Fi Elite Pro), still nothing. Does anyone
have any ideas what
could be cause this or how to fix it?
wasn't until recently I realized that sounds.exe (downloaded from MS site)
wasn't always working. For instance I would click on the send/receive button
and the sound would play. I would click it again and nothing... It's not
that it's a big deal but now that I notice it, it's driving me nuts
tried reinstalling sounds.exe (a couple times), I tried reinstalling my
soundcard drivers (SoundBlater X-Fi Elite Pro), still nothing. Does anyone
have any ideas what
could be cause this or how to fix it?