Missing Status Reports



When some of my project teams submit status reports via WebAccess some of
them just dissapear.

I thought it may have been a view issue, but I checked the database and they
dont appear there either.

I have watched people submit the status reports and they are definately
doing it right, but to no avail. I thought this was a queue issue but there
is nothing that shows any errors in any of the server queues.

I use Crystal reports to accumulate the status reports provided each week to
present to the directors at work, and they are not appearing in here either.

FYI - I use the following database fields in my report and it works
brilliantly. I wont bore you with how I sort them etc, but needless to say I
think it covers the locations that they should appear in the database.


I also note that for all status reports that have not gone missing, I
recieve an email notification telling me my resource has submitted one.
However for those that do go missing, I never receive this email so it isnt
processed at all by the server as far as I know.

Has anyone else seen this before?

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