Misspelled name on sent email



Don this might not be the most efficient way, but it works.

Open a new email window like you are sending an email.
Type the name in the TO line, and when it auto fills the name, hit enter.
Now you should have the email address and/or the misspelled display name in
the TO line.

------ John Borwn <[email protected]> -----------

RIGHT CLICK on the info in the TO line
On the drop down menu choose PROPERTIES
In the window that pops up, correct the display name or the email address.
Then hit OK.

That should do the trick.

Chuck Davis


If you are referring to the recipient's name, change the entry in the
individual's contact entry. Note: there are three locations in the contact,
Full Name; File As; and Display as:

If you are concerned with your own name, and if you are using Outlook 2003
(others are similar) choose E-mail accounts from the Tools drop down menu
and follow the instructions.

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