Gar Orman
Does anyone know where I can get an update for the Hebrew
spelling checker (HEBSP*.dat?). Many mispelled words are
accepted as correct by the Hebrew spell checker, e.g.
KATAN should be spelled qof-tet-nun, but the spell checker
will accept qof-tav-nun. Same with MELUCHLACH, which
should be ...kaf-lamed-kaf(final) but ...chet-lamed-chet
is accepted.
Could it be a bug in that same-sounding letters (tav/tet
and kaf/chet) are treated as equivalent by the checker?
spelling checker (HEBSP*.dat?). Many mispelled words are
accepted as correct by the Hebrew spell checker, e.g.
KATAN should be spelled qof-tet-nun, but the spell checker
will accept qof-tav-nun. Same with MELUCHLACH, which
should be ...kaf-lamed-kaf(final) but ...chet-lamed-chet
is accepted.
Could it be a bug in that same-sounding letters (tav/tet
and kaf/chet) are treated as equivalent by the checker?