Mistakes in Hebrew spelling checker for Office 2000 Proofing Tools


Gar Orman

Does anyone know where I can get an update for the Hebrew
spelling checker (HEBSP*.dat?). Many mispelled words are
accepted as correct by the Hebrew spell checker, e.g.
KATAN should be spelled qof-tet-nun, but the spell checker
will accept qof-tav-nun. Same with MELUCHLACH, which
should be ...kaf-lamed-kaf(final) but ...chet-lamed-chet
is accepted.

Could it be a bug in that same-sounding letters (tav/tet
and kaf/chet) are treated as equivalent by the checker?

Mike Williams [MVP]

Gar said:
Does anyone know where I can get an update for the Hebrew
spelling checker (HEBSP*.dat?). Many mispelled words are
accepted as correct by the Hebrew spell checker, e.g.
KATAN should be spelled qof-tet-nun, but the spell checker
will accept qof-tav-nun. Same with MELUCHLACH, which
should be ...kaf-lamed-kaf(final) but ...chet-lamed-chet
is accepted.

Could it be a bug in that same-sounding letters (tav/tet
and kaf/chet) are treated as equivalent by the checker?

Any updates that don't require an Office upgrade are usually available on
www.officeupdate.com You should check on a Hebrew Word newsgroup to see if
this issue has been rectified in later versions of Word, or if indeed there
is an explanation for this behaviour. In the meantime, you could set up an
exclude dictionary to block undesirable spellings.

Mike Williams - Office MVP http://www.mvps.org/faq/

Please respond in the same thread on this newsgroup - not by email!
Include details of your application and Windows versions, plus any
service pack updates. Answers may also be found by reading recent
posts, checking the FAQs or searching the relevant Google archive at.
If something doesn't make sense, it could be worse e.g.