Joe Harman
I recall having this problem several years ago (either
Access 2.0 or Access 97 and the corresponding version of
Excel) and found that when you import an Excel
Spreadsheet to an Access Table, Access assigns the field
types based on the first row in the Excel Spreadsheet.
For example, if the first cell of the first row of the SS
is a number, it makes that field a number in Access. If
the next cell is not a number, it makes it a Text field.
Not sure what it did with dates. Anyway, I used to add a
row at the top of the SS and type either the word "Text"
or "999999999" in every cell depending on whether it
should be a number or not. As soon as I finished
importing, I deleted the first record.
I have no idea if that would still work or not but it
might be worth a try.
The UnExpert
Access 2.0 or Access 97 and the corresponding version of
Excel) and found that when you import an Excel
Spreadsheet to an Access Table, Access assigns the field
types based on the first row in the Excel Spreadsheet.
For example, if the first cell of the first row of the SS
is a number, it makes that field a number in Access. If
the next cell is not a number, it makes it a Text field.
Not sure what it did with dates. Anyway, I used to add a
row at the top of the SS and type either the word "Text"
or "999999999" in every cell depending on whether it
should be a number or not. As soon as I finished
importing, I deleted the first record.
I have no idea if that would still work or not but it
might be worth a try.
The UnExpert