Modal form is not properly working on inspector



Hi all,

I have created an outlook addin and added toolbar on an inspector ope
event in inspector.
When user click on a button on toolbar, new modal form gets opened o
top of inspector .
If user clicks on send button of inspector and closes the model for
then send email event of inspector gets fired.
How can I make it completely model , inspectors event should no
execute if user has clicked on button while model window was opened?


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

What version of Outlook, what language and development platform are you

How are you opening the form?

If a form is opened modally the Inspector should not be responsive until the
form is dismissed if you are doing things correctly.


It works for outlook2007.It also works for outlook2003 when mail forma
is 'Microsoft Office Word 2003 to Rich Text email Messages' but when w
use mail format as 'Microsoft Office Word 2003 and edit e-mai
messages.' it doesn't work.

I have developed addin in C#.
form is opened using form.showDialog() method.This method mad
inspector as modal.

'Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook said:
;139759']What version of Outlook, what language and development platfor
are you

How are you opening the form?

If a form is opened modally the Inspector should not be responsiv
until the
form is dismissed if you are doing things correctly.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

What do you mean by "This method made inspector as modal." ?

You aren't displaying the Inspector using Display() with the modal argument
are you?

You might need to get the window handle of the Inspector and supply an
IOLKWindow class object that returns that handle and supply that as the
owner of the modal form. I've often had to do that, especially with WordMail


Please see following link to get answer

'Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook said:
;140052']What do you mean by "This method made inspector as modal." ?

You aren't displaying the Inspector using Display() with the moda
are you?

You might need to get the window handle of the Inspector and supply an
IOLKWindow class object that returns that handle and supply that a
owner of the modal form. I've often had to do that, especially wit

It works for outlook2007.It also works for outlook2003 when mai format
is 'Microsoft Office Word 2003 to Rich Text email Messages' but whe we
use mail format as 'Microsoft Office Word 2003 and edit e-mail
messages.' it doesn't work.

I have developed addin in C#.
form is opened using form.showDialog() method.This method made
inspector as modal


Here is code.
//form object is windows form

OutlookWindow32 inspectorIWin32Window = ne
OutlookWindow32((Object)_mailItem.GetInspector, true);

form.ShowDialog(inspectorIWin32Window );

But I get another problem.

I have added a ContextMenuStrip on a form. When user click o
contextMenu,, menu appears but form get minimised. This is happene
after adding above code. Can I get any suggestion?

'Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook said:
;140200']Post whatever you're going to post here.

Please see following link to get answer


I didn't get IOLKWindow class. Can you give code?

'Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook said:
;140052']What do you mean by "This method made inspector as modal." ?

You aren't displaying the Inspector using Display() with the moda
are you?

You might need to get the window handle of the Inspector and supply an
IOLKWindow class object that returns that handle and supply that a
owner of the modal form. I've often had to do that, especially wit

It works for outlook2007.It also works for outlook2003 when mai format
is 'Microsoft Office Word 2003 to Rich Text email Messages' but whe we
use mail format as 'Microsoft Office Word 2003 and edit e-mail
messages.' it doesn't work.

I have developed addin in C#.
form is opened using form.showDialog() method.This method made
inspector as modal

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

I don't know what a ContextMenuStrip is or why the form it's on would appear

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