Modal form not acting Modally...



I need to get user input before running code, so in the openDoc event of the
addin, the modal userform ufmGenType is shown. As planned, when the addin
opens, ufmGenType is shown, but the code continues to execute without
waiting for ufmGenType to close. How can I make the ufmGenType act modally
(and not allow any execution of code until it is closed)?

Here's the code I'm using:
Private Sub Document_New()
If initialMergeDone = False Then
End If
End Sub



Thanks, Jezebel, for the direction.

I wonder if my problem is something different. My addin has a userform in
the DocOpen event and some individual documents using that addin also have
userforms in their DocOpen events. Evidently, the addin's userform doesn't
appear if the individual document also has a userform in the DocOpen event.
How can I make it so that both userforms appear?




Have you checked that the addin's DocOpen event is indeed firing? (put in a
msgbox or debug.assert false statement to check).

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