Moderated public folder won't accept posts from Win 2K users


Nigel Ovington


I'd appreciate any suggestions ...

I have a moderated public folder acting as a contacts database. When users
post to the folder, the 'moderate folder' rule diverts the post into a
separate public folder that is visible only to the moderators. One of the
moderators checks the post and then moves it into the contacts database

This worked fine until I upgraded some PCs from Win 98 to 2000 Pro. Posts
from users on Win 2K go straight into their Drafts folder, not into either
the openly visible or the hidden public folders. The same users have no
problem if they work from a Win 98 PC.

Setup: Exchange 5.5 SP 4 on server; with Outlook 2000 SR-1 on Win 98 and Win
2000 Prof on the PCs.

Many thanks


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