Modified /advance "Max function "may help!!



Dear All,

I try to use max function to get the maximum value from data as follows:

Col A Col B Col C
Row1 Name Class Mark
Row2 AA 1 100
Row3 BB 2 55
Row4 CC 1 20
Row5 DD 3 45
Row6 EE 2 95
Row7 FF 3 87
Row8 GG 1 55
Row9 HH 3 89
Row10 II 2 85
Row11 JJ 1 45

Class Maximum Mark
1 100===>Is there any idea that I could use "modified Max functions "
to get the max mark for each class?
(without any sort/re-sort of sequence
of row data above)

2 95
3 89

Many thanks for any advise and suggestions

Best Regards


Miguel Zapico

You can use MAX as an array formula. In the example, to get the max of class
1 you can enter:
Enter the formula with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
Changing the =1 at the end will allow you to change the class, you can even
reference a cell there.

Hope this helps,

Bob Phillips


which is an array formula, it should be committed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not
just Enter.


Bob Phillips

(remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)

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