Modify a date fields property with a on current event of a form



I initial thought this would be a simple thing. To test a
date fileds condition and the set the field date property
to enamble yes or no, with the on current condition of the
form. The fieled refernce [forms]![form1]!["shipped
date"]. This returns a cannot find filed arror when used
in an if then statement. This same refernce work as I go
from record to record but only either enables on /off
regardless of the condition. Any suggestion.

Thanks chris


You have an error in the name of the field.
[forms]![form1]!["shipped date"].
The field name, I'm sure, is [Shipped date], (no quotes).

Also, as long as the field is on the same form as the code, you
don't need the forms!formname qualifier.
In the form's current event:
[SomeField].Enabled = [Afield] = Something

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