Modify custom field, based on rUser role



Hello all,

Could you please help with the following. In Project Server 2007 the Booking
Status is used for setting a resource to Proposed or Committed when building
a project Team. Unfortenately the Booking Type is not available at Task
level. What I am trying to achieve is to register on a Task level that a
resource is Committed or Proposed by a user who is a Resource Manager. So I
created a custom task field called "Booking Status Task" with possible values
"Proposed" and "Commtted". This field will be set manually by the Resource
Manger in MS Project to Committed when all resources for this task are
committed, otherwise the default value will be proposed. The PM is not
allowed to modify this field.

My question is:
How can I prohibit that a user, who has the role of Project Manager
cannot modify this Task custom field. I want to allow only a user who has the
Project Server default role of Resource Manager and who has read/write access
to be able to modify this field.

I was thinking of using a Visual Basic Macro that checks if this task custom
field is modified and displays a message "you are not allowed to modify this
field" if the current user is the Owner of the project or the Status Manager
of the task (PM). I know that is not 100% waterproof, but it would help me al

Dale Howard [MVP]

Mvisscher --

There is not default way to apply security on a field in Project Server
2007, such as allowing Resource Managers to change it but not Project
Managers. Your VBA macro idea would probably work. You might also look
into the Events that are available in Project Server 2007 as well, and tie
some code to an Event. Hope this helps.

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