Modify embeded files?


Mitch Powell

I embed an Excel into OneNote. I open the file, edit and save it. The
modifications are not reflected in the embedded file. Am I doing something

Daniel Escapa [MS]

They should be. Are you getting any sync errors? Does it appear like this
after a minute?

I embed an Excel into OneNote. I open the file, edit and save it. The
modifications are not reflected in the embedded file. Am I doing something

No. I find this happens alot.
It's just another reason that embedding important files in OneNote is
not a good idea.
When you open the file ... it seems to open to a temporary file
location, so when you save it ... it is NOT saving to the embedded
file location. I think the changes might synch .. but they might
not. I would never trust it.

Try waiting 30 seconds before opening it.
It might be stored in cache and not synched up instantaneously.

Daniel Escapa [MS]

What EMRHelp says is correct. We store all of your embedded files in the
OneNote offline cache. When you open a file (via OneNote) we copy it to a
temporary location and let you edit the file. When you close the file (aka
when OneNote can get a write lock on the file and sees no one else is
editting it) OneNote will move that file from the temporary location and
place it in the offline cache and then sync to the master copy of the file.
As you can see there are a lot of steps there and it does work. I use it to
sync files across machines all of the time and I edit offline and I see my
edits later on.

It does work, if not please let us know. I trust this feature with my most
important documents.

Mitch Powell

Thanks. I was testing the feature and would re-open the file immediately
after editing and saving. Apparently OneNote had not yet had time to sync
the file on its normal cycle time. What is that time, BTW?

Daniel Escapa [MS]

For local hard drives and UNC it should be ~30sec and on SharePoint it
should be 10min.


Hi Daniel and everyone -

This, like another thread we spoke on discussing timing of
InkAnalysis, seems like a good argument for an Event OneNote could
fire, to alert of the 'sync' event after it happens. Any chance that
this is on the horizon for a future rev of the OneNote interop?
Interoperating with an application, and not being able to discern it's
state (Sync'd/not sync'd, page reco'd/page not reco'd) is limiting.
Maybe there is such functionality hiding elsewhere on the platform?
Thanks - Ben

Daniel Escapa [MS]

It isn't hiding this is just something we can try and improve in the future.

When we haven't fully sycned a section we do have a XML property which
states allPagesSycned=false (or something like this). But otherwise no
events and no way to force a sync. We have heard this feedback and it is on
our list of possible improvements for vNext.

Hi Daniel and everyone -

This, like another thread we spoke on discussing timing of
InkAnalysis, seems like a good argument for an Event OneNote could
fire, to alert of the 'sync' event after it happens. Any chance that
this is on the horizon for a future rev of the OneNote interop?
Interoperating with an application, and not being able to discern it's
state (Sync'd/not sync'd, page reco'd/page not reco'd) is limiting.
Maybe there is such functionality hiding elsewhere on the platform?
Thanks - Ben

For local hard drives and UNC it should be ~30sec and on SharePoint it
should be 10min.

Thanks. I was testing the feature and would re-open the file
after editing and saving. Apparently OneNote had not yet had time to
the file on its normal cycle time. What is that time, BTW?
"Daniel Escapa [MS]" wrote:
What EMRHelp says is correct. We store all of your embedded files in
OneNote offline cache. When you open a file (via OneNote) we copy it
temporary location and let you edit the file. When you close the file
when OneNote can get a write lock on the file and sees no one else is
editting it) OneNote will move that file from the temporary location
place it in the offline cache and then sync to the master copy of the
As you can see there are a lot of steps there and it does work. I use
sync files across machines all of the time and I edit offline and I
edits later on.
It does work, if not please let us know. I trust this feature with my
important documents.
On Jun 5, 3:53 am, Mitch Powell
I embed an Excel into OneNote. I open the file, edit and save it.
modifications are not reflected in the embedded file. Am I doing
No. I find this happens alot.
It's just another reason that embedding important files in OneNote
not a good idea.
When you open the file ... it seems to open to a temporary file
location, so when you save it ... it is NOT saving to the embedded
file location. I think the changes might synch .. but they might
not. I would never trust it.


I would like to once again plead with you to allow a relative link to
be an option when you drag a file to onenote. I've heard nothing but
negative comments about embedding files and would really like this
removed feature back.



Thanks Daniel - no offense meant with the hiding ;) I hadn't caught
the allPagesSynced flag before - that may help me out in some cases.

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