modify notinlist event to check time in 12 & 24 hr formats



In my A2000 combobox users may enter time in 12 or 24 hour formats. The code
below only handles strings. How can I get the notinlist event to first check
in both 12 & 24 hr formats and fire if the timing really does not exist.

I'd like to amend the code below to handle Time format.

Private Sub cboTimings_NotInList(NewData As string, Response As Integer)
On Error GoTo err_cboTimings_NotInList

Dim ctl As Control
Dim strSQL As String

' Return Control object that points to combo box.
Set ctl = Me.cboTimings
' Prompt user to verify they wish to add new value.
If MsgBox("This timing is not listed in the regular meeting timings." &
vbCrLf & "Add it?", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "Add ?") = vbOK Then
' Set Response argument to indicate that data is being added.
Response = acDataErrAdded
' Add string in NewData argument to products table.
NewData = FormatDateTime(NewData, vbShortTime)
strSQL = " INSERT INTO QryMeetingTimings ( MeetingTiming ) SELECT '"
& NewData & "'"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
ctl.Value = NewData
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
' If user chooses Cancel, suppress error message and undo changes.
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

Exit Sub

If Err = 2113 Then
Err = 0
Resume Next
MsgBox Str(Err)
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume exit_cboTimings_NotInList
End If

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