Modify start dates of all tasks...



Is it possible to modify the start date of all tasks
instead of changing each one individually? Example, my
project was delayed by one week and I would like to
adjust the start of each task by + 1 week. Anyone know
how to accomplish this?

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Jake,

If you linked all the tasks with logical dependencies such as Finish-Start
(FS), Start-Start (SS) and so on... you just have to change the project
Start date : Project / Project Information...

I'm afraid that you positioned your tasks on the timeline with date
constraints. That's the denial of all scheduling principles. You can anyway
run the Adjust Date feature:

Right Click on a tool bar, click the Analysis tool bar, and in this Analysis
tool bar, click the Adjust Date button.

Gérard Ducouret

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