Modifying bullet list in Word 2000



I am writing my resume and I want to use bullets but I am having
difficulty getting it to look like I want...

I am going to have several sections tittled:




These 3 tittles of these 3 sections will be flush left...

Under each section I want to have some bulletted sentences...probably
4 or 5 sentences in each section...

So the first section would looke something like this:

PROFILE Line 1 blah blah
Line 2 blah blah
Line 3 blah blah

Now, when I apply bullets to the 3 lines of text, line 2 and line 3
will appear correctly in that the bullet is placed just to the left of
each line...

However, the bullet for line 1 is placed to the left of the section
tittle (PROFILE) and Line 1 text is then moved to the right...

Word "sees" Line 1 as starting to the left of PROFILE and including
the remainder of Line 1 blah blah...

How do I get Word to IGNORE the section tittle word (PROFILE) and
place the bullet immediatly to the left of Line 1...???

I hope this is clear...

Thank you for your assistance



I'm not an expert. But, did you try the "Paint Brush" formatting??
I have used it in several applications similar to your resume. If that
doesn't work try to re-adjust the tabs on the top ruler section. Click on
the line that's OK to see where the tabs should be, then readjust the next
lines to those positions.


Lorrie White

Bg said:
I'm not an expert. But, did you try the "Paint Brush" formatting??
I have used it in several applications similar to your resume. If that
doesn't work try to re-adjust the tabs on the top ruler section. Click on
the line that's OK to see where the tabs should be, then readjust the next
lines to those positions.


Steve -
There is only one way of doing this, that I am aware of.

First type PROFILE and then tab over to where you want the list to
start. Type Line 1. and enter. Now click on the numbering icon to
state a number list. When the number appears, click directly on that
number to bring up the format number dialog box. Now this is where
things get a little tricky. Click on customize, near the bottom. In
the customize box type the word Line (and a space)in before the
number. Change the starting number to 2 (there will be a spinner
after the question "starting number?" on that same screen. Take care
to make certain the the alignment is set at exactly the same place as
where you typed Line 1. Another words, if line 1. started at .50",
then make sure that the alignment for this number format starts at
..50" and now click OK. The number that you just entered will change
to your new configuration and each time that you hit return or enter
you will get Line 2., Line 3. and so on.

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