Modifying Chart Slide Show in a Userform



I download this excel workbook from the internet, showing charts in
slideshow format using a userform. I would like to know if someone kin
modify to code to have my 10 chart format in this slideshow format.

I have attached a copy of the original download, so that you can se
how the macro works. I am not sure if it is just ShowChart() is assig
to the chart source data or the actually charts as an image. I believ
it is the latter.

Also, I have attached my excel workbook that I would like the slid
show include on. The worksheet named" Program_Input"
"Manloading_Summary", and "Current_staffing" is where I would like t
have a command button to run chart slide show.

i hope I have provide enough information to modify the code. I am a VB
novice, so I do not understand enough to know what is driving certai
codes in the module and userform

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