modifying code for multi select list box



I have the following code that opens a report. In this code opponent is a
multi select list box. I am trying to change the code so that season can be a
multi select list box as well.

Here is the old code.

Private Sub hitchartrpt_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "hitchartrpt", acViewPreview, , _
"opponent in (" & Me.opponentselected & ") AND " & _
"season = " & Me.cboseason & " AND " & _
"team = '" & Me.cboteam & "'"
End Sub

Any help is appreciated.

Ofer Cohen

Try something like

Private Sub hitchartrpt_Click()
Dim I, strIN As String, strWhere As string

For i = 0 To opponentselected.ListCount - 1
If opponentselected.Selected(i) Then
strIN = strIN & opponentselected.Column(0, i) & ","
End If
Next i

'Create the WHERE string, and strip off the last comma of the IN string
strWhere = " "opponent in " & _
"(" & Left(strIN, Len(strIN) - 1) & ") And season = " &
Me.cboseason & " AND " & _
"team = '" & Me.cboteam & "'""

DoCmd.OpenReport "hitchartrpt", acViewPreview, , strWhere

End Sub

Note: I didn't try the code so it might need few modifications

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