I have a table that I delete all records from/then append records to on a daily basis. I modified the table by adding another field. My Append query now rejects a little over half the records due to validation rules violations. I've set no new rules. The new field is not required and has no validation rules. When I delete the modified table and replace it with the backup (thank GOD I backed up before playing this game) the query appends all records with no errors. I played with modifying the table by deleting a field, (instead of adding a field to see if the problem was how I modified) and I recieved the same number of rejects. My query brings in several Autonumber PK's from different tables (as longs you can't have more that one Autonumber in the receiving table) I am wondering if my can-o-worms is due to the different PK's. I've also tried Compact/Repair to fix. Has anyone had problems similar to this and can you provide possible solutions please?