modifying word document



can anyone help? i need to know how i can use a master
document within which i can create a prompt at different
points in the document to change relevant information
while keeping the rest of the document intact.
wordperfect used to have a way of doing this by simply
using the command Control+ (something, i don't remember
what) and each time you clicked on the tab button it took
you to the next field where you wanted to insert info.

had to explain but i hope someone understands my request.

thanks very much!

Charles Kenyon

One way is what Word calls an "online form." Check this in help. For more
about online forms, follow the links at or especially Dian
Chapman's series of articles.

"Master Document" is a name for a Word feature that should be avoided.

You may mean "template." For more on the different kinds of templates and
locations of templates folders see

Hope this helps,

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