Brittany :)
I'm trying to use the following templet found on
The Code for the module is as follows:
Function NthInGroup(GroupID, N)
' Returns the Nth Item in GroupID for use as a Top N per group
' query criteria.
Static LastGroupId, LastNthInGroup
Dim ItemName, GroupIDName, GDC, SearchTable
Dim SQL As String, rs As Recordset, db As DATABASE
If (LastGroupId = GroupID) Then
' Returned saved result if function is called with the
' same GroupID more than once in a row.
NthInGroup = LastNthInGroup
' Set the SQL statement parameters. These are the only items
' that need to be customized in this function.
' Set to Item field name.
ItemName = "OrderDate"
' Set to Group ID field name.
GroupIDName = "CustomerID"
' GroupID Delimiter Character:
' For Text use "'", Date "#", Numeric ""
GDC = "'"
' Set to search table.
SearchTable = "Orders"
' Build a Top N SQL statement dynamically given N and
' GroupID as parameters. Note that the sort is by the
' item in descending order, in order to get the Top N
' largest items.
SQL = "Select Top " & N & " [" & ItemName & "] "
SQL = SQL & "From [" & SearchTable & "] "
SQL = SQL & "Where [" & GroupIDName & "]=" & GDC & GroupID & GDC & " "
SQL = SQL & "Order By [" & ItemName & "] Desc"
' Open up recordset on Top N SQL statement and read the
' last record to get the smallest item in the Top N.
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL)
If (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
' No matches found, return a null.
LastNthInGroup = Null
LastGroupId = GroupID
NthInGroup = LastNthInGroup
' Return the smallest Top N item in the group.
LastNthInGroup = rs(ItemName)
LastGroupId = GroupID
NthInGroup = LastNthInGroup
End If
End If
End Function
Ok, my problem is that this was written for Access 2000 and I'm working with
Acess 2003. On the "Dim SQL As String, rs As Recordset, db As DATABASE" line
when I work with the sample database Northwind, it works fine, and the object
"DATABASE" is available. When I try to move the code over to my database,
the object "database" is not available. Is there something that I can switch
this to in order to get the same results?
I've also tried using a subquery (first part of the website suggests doing
this) and it doesn't work. I always end up crashing the whole network when I
try it. I have to find another way of getting the top three Orders (or notes
in my case) without using the subquery.
The Code for the module is as follows:
Function NthInGroup(GroupID, N)
' Returns the Nth Item in GroupID for use as a Top N per group
' query criteria.
Static LastGroupId, LastNthInGroup
Dim ItemName, GroupIDName, GDC, SearchTable
Dim SQL As String, rs As Recordset, db As DATABASE
If (LastGroupId = GroupID) Then
' Returned saved result if function is called with the
' same GroupID more than once in a row.
NthInGroup = LastNthInGroup
' Set the SQL statement parameters. These are the only items
' that need to be customized in this function.
' Set to Item field name.
ItemName = "OrderDate"
' Set to Group ID field name.
GroupIDName = "CustomerID"
' GroupID Delimiter Character:
' For Text use "'", Date "#", Numeric ""
GDC = "'"
' Set to search table.
SearchTable = "Orders"
' Build a Top N SQL statement dynamically given N and
' GroupID as parameters. Note that the sort is by the
' item in descending order, in order to get the Top N
' largest items.
SQL = "Select Top " & N & " [" & ItemName & "] "
SQL = SQL & "From [" & SearchTable & "] "
SQL = SQL & "Where [" & GroupIDName & "]=" & GDC & GroupID & GDC & " "
SQL = SQL & "Order By [" & ItemName & "] Desc"
' Open up recordset on Top N SQL statement and read the
' last record to get the smallest item in the Top N.
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL)
If (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
' No matches found, return a null.
LastNthInGroup = Null
LastGroupId = GroupID
NthInGroup = LastNthInGroup
' Return the smallest Top N item in the group.
LastNthInGroup = rs(ItemName)
LastGroupId = GroupID
NthInGroup = LastNthInGroup
End If
End If
End Function
Ok, my problem is that this was written for Access 2000 and I'm working with
Acess 2003. On the "Dim SQL As String, rs As Recordset, db As DATABASE" line
when I work with the sample database Northwind, it works fine, and the object
"DATABASE" is available. When I try to move the code over to my database,
the object "database" is not available. Is there something that I can switch
this to in order to get the same results?
I've also tried using a subquery (first part of the website suggests doing
this) and it doesn't work. I always end up crashing the whole network when I
try it. I have to find another way of getting the top three Orders (or notes
in my case) without using the subquery.