Module problems



I have my queries,tables, modules, and macros all set up. Below is the
function my module serves. I changed the name of a table, and it will not
work now- I get a message box stating- "Could not find output table 'Final'."
Which this is the table name that I changed- I changed it to FinalCR, now
the module don't work correctly. When I go into "Debug" the problem, it
highlights the last line of the module below. Can anyone help? What do I need
to do to tweek the module to the table name change?

Public Function DoSQL()
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "UPDATE Code " & _
"SET code.number1 = '1'"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "make final CR tbl", acViewNormal, acEdit

**Also if I change the table name back to just 'Final', it works fine.
Please help


The problem is not in this code. You are running a query called "make final
CR tbl" which is where the table name is defined. Open this query in design
view & then right click in the top half of the query grid and select
properties. The destination table name is where you need to change it to


Thank You so much Dennis!!! Of course, it worked and it would have been the
last thing I would have checked. That's the problem with Access... there is
so many things you need to have correct for it to work right!

Again, thanks for your help

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