Can someone tell me the code to present a splash screen, for approximatey 5
seconds, and then have it unload?
I tried to LOAD my designed form and then SHOW it, but this method does not
seem to be working, since none of the remaining code executes until I
manually remove the form. My goal is to have the user view the splash screen,
instead of viewing the excel screen while the data is being, moved, calcualed
upon and reformatted.
Any and All Help Will Be Appreciated - Thank You!!!!
seconds, and then have it unload?
I tried to LOAD my designed form and then SHOW it, but this method does not
seem to be working, since none of the remaining code executes until I
manually remove the form. My goal is to have the user view the splash screen,
instead of viewing the excel screen while the data is being, moved, calcualed
upon and reformatted.
Any and All Help Will Be Appreciated - Thank You!!!!