Momentarily Display Splash Screen



Can someone tell me the code to present a splash screen, for approximatey 5
seconds, and then have it unload?

I tried to LOAD my designed form and then SHOW it, but this method does not
seem to be working, since none of the remaining code executes until I
manually remove the form. My goal is to have the user view the splash screen,
instead of viewing the excel screen while the data is being, moved, calcualed
upon and reformatted.

Any and All Help Will Be Appreciated - Thank You!!!!


Thank You Norman for the Response. I did read the article, but won't have the
opportunity to try it right away, but I will. Just a quick question on the

While the splash screen is being displayed, will the code still execute? I
may have missed this in the article, but want to determine if this approach
will work for me.

Thanks Again

Norman Jones

Just a quick question on the subject:
While the splash screen is being displayed, will the code still execute? I
may have missed this in the article, but want to determine if this
will work for me.

The splash screen is unloaded at a fixed time using the OnTime method. This
does not preclude other code from running.


hmm.. doen not preclude from running ?

Show your SplashScreen as vbModeless!
(either in designer via properties (ShowModal=false)
or with Show vbModeless

If the userform is Modal then the routine that
shows the form is paused until the form is closed.
(closing by user or with the ontime)

| | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

Norman Jones wrote :


The article Norman directed you to is really great, but it doesn't facilitate
your need for other code to run while the form is displayed. To do so, use
this to display it:

SplashScreen.Show vbModeless

You may want to unload it at the end of your procedure, or move the OnTime
statement there instead of using the form's _Activate event. This will allow
the form to display while the code runs, and dismiss after the procedure
ends, at the specified interval.

Regards, GS


Thank You "keepITcool". I will try your suggestion, it sounds precisely what
I'm looking for!!!!

keepITcool said:
hmm.. doen not preclude from running ?

Show your SplashScreen as vbModeless!
(either in designer via properties (ShowModal=false)
or with Show vbModeless

If the userform is Modal then the routine that
shows the form is paused until the form is closed.
(closing by user or with the ontime)

| | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

Norman Jones wrote :


Thank You GS, I appreciate your help.

I added the following code and it almost* works perfectly:

Load frmOpportunitySplash
frmOpportunitySplash.Show vbModeless

I have a background color and some text on the splash screen, but when it is
present, the form appears blank. The code processes "behind" the splash
screen, but can you provide any insight as to why it is blank? I was not
aware of the "vbModeless" code, so perhaps a property or something needs to
be changed accordingly (just a gues on my part).

Any and All Help is Appreciated

Thanks Again



Sorry, I have no idea why the form doesn't display "as designed". You may
want to go through the its properties to see if the answer lies there.

Also, you don't need the load statement unless you plan on doing something
with the form before making it visible. The .Show method loads it if it's not
already loaded. (Not to be confused with .Hide, which leaves it loaded)

Hope this is helpful!

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