Is there an add-on available that will email me when I have NOT received an
email with a specified title by a specified time on specific days? We have a
report generator that emails hundreds of emails a day. They all get sent to
a folder in my Outlook, so i don't have to deal with them in my inbox.
However, the software often gets hung up and it will be days before anybody
notices reports aren't going out. We have already contacted the report
generator software support, and there is nothing we can do with their
software to alleviate this problem. Thanks!
Is there an add-on available that will email me when I have NOT received an
email with a specified title by a specified time on specific days? We have a
report generator that emails hundreds of emails a day. They all get sent to
a folder in my Outlook, so i don't have to deal with them in my inbox.
However, the software often gets hung up and it will be days before anybody
notices reports aren't going out. We have already contacted the report
generator software support, and there is nothing we can do with their
software to alleviate this problem. Thanks!