Monitor shuts down when writing email



My problem is that when I click New to start a new email,
the monitor starts to shut down. I have to turn it off
and then backon. It keeps doing it over and over again.

Problem started after I reloaded my machine (wipeout,
start clean).
1. I installed windows XP SP1, Office 2003, Visio,
Project, Publisher, and FrontPage.
2. No other software has been installed in the PC.
3. ll updates availabe from microsoft have been applied
to both Windows and Office.
4. I didn't find any articles in the MS Knowledge base.
5. My video card is a GeForce2 GTS 32MB - BIOS
running at 1024 X 768, 32bit color @ 75Htz

Let me know if you ee more information. Thanks in
advance for any help you can provide.

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