Monter IF statement??? sorry long question



I am setting up a spreadsheet to do some stats and am lost on a large
if,and,or type statement

The columns are
E=Start of period
F=end of period
Q=Target achivied


The other columns dont really matter as they wont affect what i want

The Result in Col Q needs to Be Pass or Fail

The scenario is as follows.

If the interivew is completed within the target window (E-F) we pass
If we waive the interview (N) we pass
IF we FTA the interview (M) we fail unless there is an entry between E-F in
completed (H)
If we Defer the interview outside the target window we fail but if it is
inside & we complete the interview we pass
If we Exit (P) thne i want no entry at all in Col Q

i think that is all. I got so far then gave up. If i cnt do one large
statement should i do lots of little ones with outcomes in hidden columns?

hopefully this makes sense

David Biddulph

Try this as a start:
If the content of your columns is different from what I've assumed, you can
adjust the formula accordingly.


The columns will all have dates in and i need to get it to check if they are
between the dates in E & F so the beginning of the formulea is fine buts
after that is where i started to get stuck

David Biddulph

So if you need to check if a date is between E & F, use something like
AND(H2>=E2,H2<=F2), but if there are parts where you merely want to check
whether a cell has an entry, you could use something like N2<>""


sorry am being a bit thick so if i remove the bit that says for example
M2="FTA" and replace it will M2=<>"" that should work and just look for any
entry in that cell?

David Biddulph

Yes, try it.
David Biddulph

Steve said:
sorry am being a bit thick so if i remove the bit that says for example
M2="FTA" and replace it will M2=<>"" that should work and just look for
entry in that cell?

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Okay, assuming I have understood the conditions you posted, give this
formula a try...


Note that, as I have constructed it, there is no test for FTA. Unless I
misread your conditions, FTA is immaterial as your other conditions will
force a failure notice with or without the FTA column; and the only time the
FTA column will force a Pass is when you already have a Pass because the
Completed column met its own Pass conditions.



I need the FTA to make it fail as well as the others unless they complete
durig the target period

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Unless I am missing something about your condition, I don't see where it
comes into play. It seems like you are saying that the only time FTA will
make a Pass is if H2 (Completed) is between E2 and F2 (Start and End dates),
otherwise it make a False. But if H2 is between E2 and F2, that is the first
condition you listed for Pass.. so, if H2 is between E2 and F2, we have a
Pass no matter what is in FTA. The way I set the formula up, I test for the
things that make a Pass, otherwise it gives a Fail. Again, unless I am
misreading your conditions, that means FTA doesn't factor into the formula
at all (as I have constructed it).


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