deepak bsg

My validation button contains month & year ( apr-07,may-07....mar-08). If i
select a particular month in the validation button (eg: Aug-07). I should get
the total no.of months starting from apr-07 to aug-07 i.e., 5 months. Hence i
require a formula to get the total no of months as explained above.

With the help of your fomula i'll extract the data from another sheet.

Bob Phillips

Is it text such as Apr-07, or is it a real date? and when you say validation
button, are you referring to a cell containing Data Validation.

Assuming real dates and DV, something like




(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

deepak bsg

Myne's is in date format only in the validation and i'm not able toa
understand u r formula. My requirement is count the months (starting from

Thanks in advance

Bob Phillips

which is what I believe that my formula does.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

deepak bsg

thanks for u r prompt reply bob
but i'm not able to understand how i have to take my values as per u r
formula. plz provide u r help. i'll explain clearly what is my requirement.
when i select the month in the validation, i need to count the no of months
from "apr-2007" i.e., financial year ( apr - mar ). when i select the month (
ex: Jul -2007) in the validation, it has to count the no of months starting
from "Apr-07" in the required cell.
validation button conatins apr2007 - mar2008 (12 months)
i hope u have clearly understand my thing.
Thanks in advance.

Duke Carey

Please stop using IM shorthand in your message. Spell the words out

Bob's formula does EXACTLY what you want. assuming your 'validation button'
value is in cell E4.

Nobody quite understands what you mean by 'validation button,' so if the
value of "apr-07" is NOT in a cell, you ought to explain what you really

deepak bsg

Thanks for your reply. I know that in E4 i have to select in "validation
button". but i dont follow in today() formula which one i have to consider.
please let me know that.
Thanks in advance.

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