deepak bsg

My button contains month & year (i.e., apr-07,may-07....mar-08). If i
select a particular month in the button (eg: Aug-07). I should get
the total no.of months starting from apr-07 to aug-07 i.e., 5 months. Hence i
require a formula to get the total no of months as explained above.

With the help of your fomula i'll extract the data from another sheet.
Thanks in advance.


Hi Deepak,

Try this and see if it meets your requirements:-

=MONTH("aug 2007")-MONTH("apr 2007")+1

I included the +1 because your result of 5 in your request indicated that
you probably want to include both the months.

The same function can be used on a worksheet and in VBA code.




Assuming the data is text i.e. the caption on the button [FORMS/CONTROL
toolbox?], then one way:

Create table as below which I called "MyMonths"

Apr 1
May 2
Jun 3
Jul 4
Aug 5
Sep 6
Oct 7
Nov 8
Dec 9
Jan 10
Feb 11
Mar 12

then formula is:


where A1 is your button text.

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