I am attempting to use the Monthcalendar and have hit a snag. I am not a VB
coder but thought I could handle this since the instructions are so good.
This is the message I received after following the instructions and
attempting to view the month calendar by double clicking in the text box.
I renamed my control "txtselectdate" to fit Jeff Conrad's as I thought it
would be easier.
"microsoft Access can't find macro 'Private Sub txtselectdate_dblclick
(cancel as Integer)
Dim blRet As Boolean
Dim dtStart As Date dtEnd As date
dtStart = Nz(me'
any help would be greatly appreciated
coder but thought I could handle this since the instructions are so good.
This is the message I received after following the instructions and
attempting to view the month calendar by double clicking in the text box.
I renamed my control "txtselectdate" to fit Jeff Conrad's as I thought it
would be easier.
"microsoft Access can't find macro 'Private Sub txtselectdate_dblclick
(cancel as Integer)
Dim blRet As Boolean
Dim dtStart As Date dtEnd As date
dtStart = Nz(me'
any help would be greatly appreciated