Monthly Reports Using Crosstab



While reviewing the forum here, I found an answer to monthly reporting.
There was a link that was recommended as follows:

I'm so close, but can't quite get the report. I've created the crosstab
query to indicate gallons of fuel used by month. My enteries start with
August of 2008.

My problem is that when I'm promted to enter a Start Date, and I enter
January 1, 2008, the entries for August show up under the 8th month, correct.

However, if I enter a Start Date of August 1, 2008, then the entries for
August show up under the 1st month, incorrect.

Any suggestions would be so appreciated.

John J.

However, if I enter a Start Date of August 1, 2008, then the entries for
August show up under the 1st month, incorrect.

This is how it is supposed to work. The report will show the results from 12
months starting from the Start Date, so in your case the first column name
would be 2008-08.

So if you don't have data from before august 2008, you could either pick
january 2008, leaving the first 7 columns empty or pick august 2008 and
leave the last 7 columns empy. I'd choose the first option, since with the
second option you'd be reporting over months which haven't yet passed.


John... Visio MVP

Steve said:
If you need help, contact me at (e-mail address removed). I provide help for a
reasonable fee. I can implement the code for a modest fee.


These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support.
There are many highly qualified people who monitor these newsgroups who
gladly help for free. Stevie is not one of them. If he was any good, the
thousands of people he has helped would be drowning him in repeat business.
The fact that he needs to grovel for work indicates that though he claims to
have helped "thousands" very few seem to give him any repeat business.

John... Visio MVP

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