More Complex averaging



Hi All

I have a sheet with production numbers for work
there are 3 columns of 35 rows.
the fields are B3 - B37 C3-C37 D3-D37
in each of these columns the first entry may or may not be in the first row
and there may be a gap from one entry in a column to the next.

I am using this formula " =AVERAGE(IF((B2:B36<>"")*(B3:B37<>""),B3:B37)) "
that "Tom Ogilvy" gave to me to do the following.
Find the second non blank cell in a column. And then also if there is gap in
between one cell and the next to look at the second non blank cell after
and continue to do this through row #37 of each column and then find the
average of sum of those numbers.


1 15 25
2 27 31 11
3 21 17
4 35
6 23 18 68
7 11 7 43
8 123
9 16 54 17
10 18 11 45

etc etc etc till row 37
in this example the formula would skip
A1 A4 and A9 and give the average of the rest which I calculate to be
79/4= 19.75

It Would skip
B1 B6 B9 and give the average of the rest which I calculate to be

It would skip
C2 C6 and give the average of the rest which I calculate to be

Then I want to be able to get a total average of the three columns.
So I need to be able to count all the cells that the previous formula did
not skip
which in this example would be
a total of 9 cells of data

so the total average for this example would be

394/9 cells = 43.78

I know it is confusing

I hope I was able to explain this well enough and also hope that someone can
help me with this

Thanks for all the help
Dan N

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