Evan M
Hello, i just wrote a routine to, if the value of a checkbox is true, set
the value of a text box in a table to a number on another form then set that
checkbox value to false. The problem is that when i click the button to
perform this operation, access freezes. I assume this is because there are
around 3000 records in this table? Does anyone know how to do this a better
'code begins
'Add the the Quote Values to the line items
'Set the db
Set db = CurrentDb
'here rs1 becomes the table
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset("tblPartsLookupDoneLineItems", dbOpenTable)
If rs1.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do While Not rs1.EOF
If rs1.Fields!QuoteNow = True Then
rs1.Fields!QuoteID = Forms![Parts Quote]!QuoteID
rs1.Fields!QuoteNow = binCheck
End If
End If
'End Code
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Evan M. evan AT
radiologyonesource DOT com
the value of a text box in a table to a number on another form then set that
checkbox value to false. The problem is that when i click the button to
perform this operation, access freezes. I assume this is because there are
around 3000 records in this table? Does anyone know how to do this a better
'code begins
'Add the the Quote Values to the line items
'Set the db
Set db = CurrentDb
'here rs1 becomes the table
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset("tblPartsLookupDoneLineItems", dbOpenTable)
If rs1.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do While Not rs1.EOF
If rs1.Fields!QuoteNow = True Then
rs1.Fields!QuoteID = Forms![Parts Quote]!QuoteID
rs1.Fields!QuoteNow = binCheck
End If
End If
'End Code
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Evan M. evan AT
radiologyonesource DOT com