more formula help



Once again working on the fundraiser spreadsheet... Teacher wants ... of
total money raised, 40% is profit...of that profit the first $15 goes to the
general account, the difference goes in the student account. The only thing
I really need to keep track of is the student account, which I figured would
be (cell*.4)-15, but the problem I have is ... If the child raised zero
dollars, it's showing a -$15 dollar balance, but I would need it to show zero.

Any help is appreciated.

Vivian K

Duke Carey

Assume the amount raised is in Col A, the general account in Col B, and the
student account in Col C. For row 2, the general account formula in B2 is


the student account formula in C2 is

or, if you want to dispense with the general account column


Tom Ogilvy

Based on your previously stated criteria, the only way a student would have
less than $15 is if they sold zero. You can easily check if that is the


Sandy Mann


I can't find your "previously stated criteria" but perhaps you can read more
into Viviank's posts than I can.

Anyway, given that, surely your formula will produce a negative figure for
the student for a cell value of anything less than $37.50? Unless of course
I am misunderstanding what you mean by "Cell"


(e-mail address removed)
Replace@mailinator with


Perfect! Thanks so much. I'm not very experienced with spreadsheets, I know
just enough to be dangerour. You guys rock.


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