More header help, please? IncludePicture with mailmerge


Earl B

I have worked through my previous issue well enough that I've found the next
problem (don't you HATE that? "Yay! I'm done!" and whatever you're working
with says "Yeah, right!")

In my mailmerge scenario, I have a picture imported from the database.
(Write the picture to a file, put the filename in the database, nest the

When I perform the import with INCLUDEPICTURE in a header, the data is
updated, but the picture doesn't display.

Inside the INCLUDEPICTURE, the path is correct (well, the filename is
correct - the database contains a full path, but Word truncates to just a
filename because the image file is in the same folder as the document file).

When I copy the INCLUDEPICTURE tag down to the body of the document (out of
the header), the picture shows correctly.

Is there some kind of an "updateimages" like "UpdateFields" that I should
call when the import is done?

Thanks in advance for all advice!


Earl B

Found it - with a little help from before.

After performing the merge, I needed to update each field individually:

Dim objStory As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range
Dim objField As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Field

For Each objStory In docDestination.StoryRanges
For Each objField In objStory.Fields

' The header/footer ranges can be linked in a way
' that is not revealed by the outer For Each
' so we have to do the following
While Not (objStory.NextStoryRange Is Nothing)
objStory = objStory.NextStoryRange
For Each objField In objStory.Fields
End While
Next objStory

objField = Nothing
objStory = Nothing

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