More LDB Questions



1) When I said "connections" in the LDB I meant literally
what the LDB was showing as "Logged On = YES" users, not
the total number of users who have the file open on the
server. Right now when I look in the LDB using LDB View I
see that there are 77 "Logged On = YES" connections,
however only 22 PC's have the file opened on the server.
Where is the 55 connection count difference coming from?
Or am I misinterpruting the program's use of the
term "Logged On = YES"? Could this b caused by the PC not
properly closing the MDB when they exit the application?

2) The type of slow downs I am experiencing are not
random, but I am thinking there is some update query or
process running (possibly in some of our automation that
runs during the day) causing the delay. We have 2 copies
of the database. One is the production data, the other is
a copy made early in the morning for queries and what not
to be ran against, etc. When it is running slow I can
double click on the "production" MDB itself (bypassing the
MDE front end) and I can see that it takes from 5 to 10 or
more seconds to open. At the same time I can try to open
the non production copy (which typically has 3 or less
users in it) and it opens in milliseconds. As confirmed
through a packet trace I can see that when I open the
production copy I get many lock try and retrys until I
finally get a lock. Looking at a trace on the non-
production copy shows no retries and I get an but instant
lock. So, what do you think is causing this?

BTW, thanks to Albert for the link to the Access website.
I printed it and gave it to our programmer. He said it all
makes perfect sense and is creating a test app right now.

Thanks again!


Tony Toews

Unc said:
1) When I said "connections" in the LDB I meant literally
what the LDB was showing as "Logged On = YES" users, not
the total number of users who have the file open on the
server. Right now when I look in the LDB using LDB View I
see that there are 77 "Logged On = YES" connections,
however only 22 PC's have the file opened on the server.
Where is the 55 connection count difference coming from?
Or am I misinterpruting the program's use of the
term "Logged On = YES"?

Ah, this behaviour is definitely not correct. Or certainly not what
I've seen.
Could this b caused by the PC not
properly closing the MDB when they exit the application?

I'm suspecting it's more along the lines that Access and Novell don't
play together well at times. Access, actually Jet the database
engine beneath Access, uses some non standard "phantom locking" and
other things which Microsoft networking software, of course, supports
just fine.

Novell and SAMBA, the Windows networking software in Unix, may not
implement this non supported stuff perfectly in some versions of
client and server software.
2) The type of slow downs I am experiencing are not
random, but I am thinking there is some update query or
process running (possibly in some of our automation that
runs during the day) causing the delay. We have 2 copies
of the database. One is the production data, the other is
a copy made early in the morning for queries and what not
to be ran against, etc. When it is running slow I can
double click on the "production" MDB itself (bypassing the
MDE front end) and I can see that it takes from 5 to 10 or
more seconds to open. At the same time I can try to open
the non production copy (which typically has 3 or less
users in it) and it opens in milliseconds. As confirmed
through a packet trace I can see that when I open the
production copy I get many lock try and retrys until I
finally get a lock. Looking at a trace on the non-
production copy shows no retries and I get an but instant
lock. So, what do you think is causing this?

Ah, a bit more detail here. Thanks for being verbose. Much
appreciated and much better than the one liner "It's not working."
we've seen in other postings.

In this situation obviously the recordset locking performance
enhancement by opening a recordset won't help because you're not
opening the FE you're opening the BE directly.

That said I must admit that I don't recall ever noticing any
performance slow down when I opened up a clients BE while all the
users were in place. But then I seldom would so it's quite possible I
missed that.
BTW, thanks to Albert for the link to the Access website.
I printed it and gave it to our programmer. He said it all
makes perfect sense and is creating a test app right now.

Glad to hear it helps.

But now I'm pointing you in a totally different direction. <smile>

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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