More Numbering Nightmares




Restarting Numbering problems this time (Word 2003). As per the various MVP
FAQs my numbering is all in styles. This is basic numbering, not outlined.

For the first 100 pages of my document I can use the Restart and Continue
options just fine, but once I get over 100 pages hitting restart (from the
context menu) causes Word to think for a second, the numbering returns to 1
(or i, a or whatever) for a half a second (just enough to give you hope)
then it returns to whatever it was in the first place. I tried Ctrl+Q, the
macros on the MVP site, redefining the styles without any joy.

Finally I just deleted out the first hundred pages of the document in case
Word was just 'losing count' in a document that size and hey presto, all the
numbering worked just fine. I sorted out the numbers from this point, then
just pased the 100 pages back in again, did a Ctrl+A and F9 and still
everything was in the right sequence.

Have other people noticed this? Is there are better fix or should I
encourage my users to cut out the first 100 pages when attempting to restart
the numbering in this document?



Shauna Kelly

Hi Paul

Neither the length of the document, nor the appealingly round number of 100
pages is likely to be the cause of the problem.

Cutting and pasting large chunks of text is, as far as I'm aware, unlikely
to be a general fix-it solution.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.



I can only describe what the document is doing and cutting the first 100
pages is (for now) working. I wondered if there is some code on or around
page 100 that is preventing the insertion of the Restart Numbering marker.

I tried switching on the field codes but the numbering markers don't show up
so it is difficult to test that theory.

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