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Amos Soma

1) I have a page whose PaperSize is set to Auto. When I start typing on a
line in the page, it will word wrap at about the 60% point in the line. I
would like it to go to the end or almost to the end of the line before it
word wraps. Can I do this?

2) When I go to Page Setup for a page, I can change the 'Page header' color
and it takes effect immediately. If I change the 'Page body' color, nothing
happens. Does anyone know why (Paper Size is Auto - I'm using SP1).


Erik Sojka

1) There should be two little handles (triangles) on the right side of
the top of each note container. Dragging them to the right will expand
the size of the container and will let you take up the entire width of a

2) I cannot reproduce this second one; I can see immediate changes to
both the page header and page body. Some of the colors are subtle; try
changing from one color to an obviously different one (i.e. you may not
notice the difference between Red and Red Chalk, but you should see a
difference between Silver and Apple)

Amos Soma


Thank you for your help. I see what you mean with #2. The color I was
changing to was too subtle to see.

Regarding #1, try as I might, I do not see those handles/triangles you are
talking about. Would it help if I sent you a screen shot showing my screen?
Maybe then you could show me where they are/should be.


Erik Sojka

Try this. Go to Tools | Options | Display and set the "Adjust the
darkness..." setting to Darkest. Then hit OK.

Create a new page, click anywhere and start typing. You should see that
the text is contained in a dark transparent container (called a Note
Container). At the top of this container if you hover the mouse should be
a horizontal bar. Normally you can "pick up" the container and move it
around if you click and drag using this bar. At the right of the bar
should be the two arrows. Drag using these arrows left or right to change
the width of the container.

Amos Soma


I finally found this container but by accident. I had to click on some blank
space below my note and drag upwards towards and over my note. I then saw
the container appear. This is the only way I've been able to make it appear.



One thing to try is to turn off note containers (Show Ink Groups) but turn
on "Handwriting guides". This makes your note containers disappear though,
only in pen mode, but it allows you to continue to write all the way to the
edge of the page.


Grant Robertson

I finally found this container but by accident. I had to click on some blank
space below my note and drag upwards towards and over my note. I then saw
the container appear. This is the only way I've been able to make it appear.

That's funny, it appears for me just by hovering the stylus over the
writing guide. Try using the select tool and clicking or tapping
somewhere in the text. I'm using the SP-1 Preview. What version of
OneNote are you using? If you don't know then you are probably using the
original RTM (Release To Manufacturing) version.

Grant Robertson

"krypticide" said:
One thing to try is to turn off note containers (Show Ink Groups) but turn
on "Handwriting guides". This makes your note containers disappear though,
only in pen mode, but it allows you to continue to write all the way to the
edge of the page.

Where exactly are you finding these different options that you call 'Note
Containers' and 'Handwriting Guides'; and what version are you using. In
SP-1 Preview there is {View / Show Ink Groups} and {Tools / Options ;
Display ; [x] Show NOte Containers on pages}. If you turn off the first
it will look as if you can continue to write across the page but it will
just create a new ink group after you get past about 60% of the way
across the page. This has caused many users great distress when they find
their handwriting does not stay together and is therefore very bad
advice. It is much better to make the ink groups visible and expand them
as necessary. I wish they expanded more intelligently but this is what we
are stuck with. It has been discussed in depth previously.


Under View, above "Show ink groups", in SP1 (not sure if it's in the
preview) there's an option called Handwriting Guides. That allows you to
write all the way across the page; it shows a blue box in the line that you
are writing on and continues to grow to the very edge.


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