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Mike Monville

John -

Thank you for your response. It made me think about other aspects I should
consider (Persons table, etc.,) while I'm designing the database.

I am still floundering at a basic level however, and should tell you that
this is a real gallery that is currently presenting it's first show and I
have entered 1022 works in the database so far. There are also 90 artists
built in the member table. I would have liked to have had more time to get
all the tables and relationships, etc., built before I entered data, but I
did not have the time to do so. The one luxury that I do have is that we
are tracking all aspects of the show using the old, reliable - but time
consuming manual methods. This gives me a good comparison to build the
system that gives us what we need now, while envisioning and building for
our future needs. Hopefully all the inventory, sales, payments, taxes and
membership info will all be the same at the end of the first show.

Are there inherent problems in reworking tables and relationships since I
now have live data in the system?

I have made the changes to the inventory table that you suggested; renaming
it "Works" and moving the Price, TagNo and ShowId fields to the new
"WorksShows" table. Is there an easy way to migrate the data contents from
the old tables to the new? I assume that this would be the next step in
getting the tables set up and working. I'm using copies of the original
tables/data so that I have something to go back to if I screw things up.

I'm still having trouble getting the Sales table to relate to the TagNo of
the items being sold. I built SalesDetail with: SaleId from Sales (PK),
ArtId from Works (PK), Price (aren't I duplicating data though, since Price
is an existing field in WorksShows?). I want end up with a sales form that
allows the user to enter just the TagNo and have the form populate the
Artist, Title, Price and prompt for the next TagNo(s)., and then total the
sale, etc.

Thanks again - Mike

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