More specific question about adding color code



I am trying to do the following without success

1A = company name

1B = renewal date ex 07/19/2007

1Z (hidden) Has current date which updates to current date each time excel
is opened ex 06/20/2007

=IF(1Z-1B>120 days) then change cell 1A to yellow

Can someone help me with this.

Thanks in advance


i hope i can help by giving sample to answer briefly your specific question.

example: Pedro wants to know when the fruit will be ripe by having cell A1
to remain on green then turns yellow when the specified time difference has
been reached.

go to cell A1, click menu Format>Conditional formatting>condition 1>use
"formula is, type (without quotes)
either "=(z1-b1)>120"
or Maybe "=(today()-b1)>120"
then choose the format>font/border/pattern to show the Yellow....


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