More Than 50 Workspaces


Simon Berry

I have encountered a problem when trying to add more than 50 file sharing
workspaces to Groove 2007.

Groove hangs up - never to respond again .... in task manager it is using
99% of the CPU ....

Any ideas ?


How many files in total are we talking about and how much data does that
represent? I know that very large File Sharing spaces will be a problem, I
would assume that multiple FS spaces might have the same effect if it
translates into large quantities of data.

By large, think more than 2Gb per space.

Simon Berry

As yet I have not put a single file in any of the spaces .. I was merely
setting up the structure ....

At what point does the space start to struggle ? 10MB ? 100MB ? 1GB ? 10GB ?
100 GB ?


I have a number of 1.5 to 2 GB workspaces and the are all fine. Struggle is
a function of file quantity and file size. For instance, 100,000 1k files
will be more demanding than 5 300Mg files.

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