More than one email adress per user?


Bill Meacham

Can I enter more than one email address for a user in Project Web Access? I
want emails to a user to go to their own mailbox and to a team mailbox at the
same time. Can I specify two addresses and separate them by a comma or

Earl Lewis


Don't know if the multiple addresses separated by commas/colons works or not. Here's another approach you could take. Have your mail admins set an email alias/distribution list, i.e. one email address that sends to multiple recipients. Then just use that address wherever you need to. This is not ideal but it would work.

I've wanted more of the standard email interface options (CC, BCC, subject line, etc..) that you can control more directly throughout the PWA app for a long time. Hope M$ is paying attention to this one.

Can I enter more than one email address for a user in Project Web Access? I
want emails to a user to go to their own mailbox and to a team mailbox at the
same time. Can I specify two addresses and separate them by a comma or

Jorge Patricio Díaz Guzmán

It's better to configure at the mail server the forwardings or create a
distribution list at the mail server.

Jorge Patricio Díaz Guzmán

I just made a test and yes, it's possible to put more than one e-mail
address. This you have do at Manage Users and groups and at the e-mail field
you should input the other smtp address.
If you have another question, please answer this trade.

Jorge Patricio Díaz Guzmán

I sepparate with this ";"
I don't know the name of this simbol in english :):):)

Jorge Patricio Díaz Guzmán

If you have more questions, reply to this thread.
Have a nice day :)

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