I want my greeting line to say:
Dear Mr. Smith and Ms. Jones,
if there is a Ms. Jones (title2 and lastname2)
Dear Mr. Smith,
if there's no Ms. Jones,
Dear Friends,
if there's no Mr. Smith or Mr. Jones.
Here's how I've set it up. I don't know if this will show up if I print
it exactly as I see it on the page, so I'll substitute < for {
When this merges, I get
Dear Mr. SmithandMs. Jones,
When there's no Ms. Jones, I get
Dear Mr. Smith , (space before comma)
When it's "friends," I get
Dear friends ,
How do I fix this?
Dear Mr. Smith and Ms. Jones,
if there is a Ms. Jones (title2 and lastname2)
Dear Mr. Smith,
if there's no Ms. Jones,
Dear Friends,
if there's no Mr. Smith or Mr. Jones.
Here's how I've set it up. I don't know if this will show up if I print
it exactly as I see it on the page, so I'll substitute < for {
Dear said:<MERGEFIELD "Title2" > <MERGEFIELD "Last_Name2" >,
When this merges, I get
Dear Mr. SmithandMs. Jones,
When there's no Ms. Jones, I get
Dear Mr. Smith , (space before comma)
When it's "friends," I get
Dear friends ,
How do I fix this?