more than one people editing the plan



i want more than one people to edit the project plan. One is the
project manager, to whom all the updates will be directed in future
(this is available by default). Others are the resources in the
project plan, i want to give them rights to open project from the
server edit it and save it. They just add the tasks or change
assignments etc. and will not make them managers of those assignments
(i understand that they will hav the option to do so). They just need
the access to edit the project plan. They can have any role in the
project server, may it be the role of a PM. I hav read so many
messages but all tel that do the following:
1. Log into PWA with administrator permissions
2. Click the Admin menu
3. Click the Manage users and groups link
4. Select Groups in the sidepane on the left
5. Select the Project Managers group and click the Modify Group button
6. Select the My Organization category in the Selected categories section
7. In the data grid immediately below the Selected categories section, edit the permissions for Open Project and Save project to Allow
8. Click the Save Changes button
Doing so will give read/write access for each project manager to all projects in the portfolio. Task updates from team members will still be directed to the original manager of each project, and the
above steps will not change this.

But i do not want to allow all PMs to access all the projects. I want
certain people to hav "Edit" level access of certain projects, for
instance, three people can edit one particular project only (PM of
that project is included by default) and no one else with what ever
the role he has, may it be the role of a PM. Hopefully i hav clarified
my ques.


Possibly the only way to do this is to create a specific category for the
different projects, and then to assign permissions this way.


Possibly the only way to do this is to create a specific category for the
different projects, and then to assign permissions this way.
Thanks, Ben.

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Thanks a lot for ur response.
The problem is that I hav sooo many projects in the server, It would
very difficult to make separate categories for each of them and assign
permissions. Is there any other way?

Ben Howard

Hi, looking at this closely, in step 5, instead of selecting Project
Managers, select Team members, and then the category of My Tasks.

That'll do it.

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