More Than One Primary Key



How can I make 2 non-adjacent fields both primary keys? I
clicked on the 1st field to set the primary key - No
problem - Then I clicked on the 2nd field and it deletes
the 1st primary key and shifts it to the 2nd one.

HELP - Thank you


Select the table you want the additional primary key on,
go into design view. Select the Indexes button and when
the dialogue box opens up and the field(s) you want to
make primary to the next line down

Van T. Dinh

Actually, it is a multi-Field Primary Key, not 2 Primary Keys. You can only
have 1 Primary Key in the Table but the Primary Key can have up to 10 Fields
in it.

In the DesignView of the Table, select the first Field row by clicking on
the grey rectangle on the left of the Field name (when the mouse cursor
becomes a right-pointing arrow). Hold the Control key down and select the
second Field by the same method. When the 2 Field rows are selected, click
the PK button in the Table Design Toolbar.


Thank you for your help - Although this doesn't seem to
work - It just shifts the primary key from the 1st to the
2nd - HELP!

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