MOS PowerPoint Exam


Glen Millar


I did one ages ago for PowerPoint 2000 and wasn't real impressed. Although
the testing centre said I got the highest score they had ever seen, I
thought the exam was full of US jargon and it defaulted to a particular
*way* of doing things. I also thought some questions were wrong. I
complained but got no response. It may be different now, so I'd love someone
to tell me I am wrong! FWIR, you can't go back after you submit.


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP


glen at powerpointworkbench dot com

Please tell us your PowerPoint version,
whether you are using vba,
whether your dog has fleas, or
anything else relevant.



Not sure if you can help with these questions but if not do you know anyone
that can explain the PowerPoint Exam scoring?

I took the MOS exam. The training centre I took the exam with contacted
Microsoft directly (this was on I.M and I saw the transcript) who said they
did not know the answers to these questions:

Does the MOS exam mark against taking shortcuts when taking the exam? For
instance right clicking?

Can you go back to a question that you have skipped?

Why is there not a breakdown of questions you got wrong as grouping the
questions does not tell you where you went wrong exactly?

Are there any key sites for helping with the exam I am going to take the
exam again next week.



Glen, Thank you, now I know I am not the only one. Yes the testing centre
complained but Microsoft were not interested in helping explain the questions
we had. The exam even crashed first time half way through and when we managed
to log back on it made me start from scratch even though it should have
continued from where it left before the crash!



You can send your complaints to Microsoft, but they won't give you the right
answers to the questions you answered wrong. They only let you know if your
complaint is accepted or not.
The questions you have skipped will appear again after you have answered the
last question of the exam. You will have to do these questions all over
again; the things you did before skipping are not saved. And remember that
you don't get extra time for these questions.
If you want to try an exam have a look at and on

In general, the Office 2003 exams do have an intermediate difficulty level.
You'll get questions of every part of a program, but the questions don't get
very deep into the matter. The score to pass is about 650 points (out of
1000), so it's not that difficult to pass the exam.


For what it's worth - I took the exam this morning and failed by 11 points. I
found some of the questions - especially the ones on importing data -
confusing. I came back to the office and found most of the stuff I didn't
know but - much of it wasnt' covered in the guide. So, thumbs
down on the guide, as far as the PPT one is concerned. Ugh!


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