MOSS/WORD CType - DateTime QuickPart



Hi, trying to develope SP/MOSS to be a document management solution (no your

Ive setup a Content Type Word document as the template for new

Having hidden TITLE as it propogates from local/docinfo!! and created a
'hidden' zone at the top of the template to collect metadata and provide a
"logical" default file save as name pickup (let me know if theres a proper
solution!), I now require a unique "key" for each document created.

I had thought the QuickParts [DateTime]&[Author] would provide a usefull and
unique integer, but alas the seconds always return zero zero 00, why is this
and is there a fix.

Has anyone found a reliable way of controlling the filesaveas default text
in a way that can then be reused for document management.



PS. Glad to see that I can now pick from a calculated col!!